Watch “THE ORIGINAL! Someone Ordered Mueller To Wrap It Up Before He Was Finished! Collusion!!!!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! Someone Ordered Mueller To Wrap It Up Before He Was Finished! Collusion!!!!

Beloved, Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III was commanded to wrap up his investigation before he was finished says The Lord. He submitted his report before he finished dealing with Roger Stone. Today Michael Cohen revealed new evidence against Trump. Mueller was not finished!!! Cohen is an untruthful witness, but his thumb drive with twelve million files on it may be reliable.

The next question I have asked King Jesus Christ is, who told Mueller to wrap it up? Was it Heir Trump or was it heir Rosenstein or was it heir Barr or was it the Military Industrial Intelligence Congressional Media Complex Junta. I await the answer from the Lord.

There is collusion says the Lord Jesus Christ. Donnie loves Vladi and so does the CIA and Pentagon. The silent military coup of 2016.

Stay tuned and continue to pray without ceasing to God The Father of King Jesus for America to Return to Christ before it is everlasting too late.


Please watch the video below.

THE ORIGINAL! Special Counsel Robert Mueller Is A Threat To Guilty Illegitimate President Trump.

The Lord Jesus told me Special Counsel Mueller is going to depart. I am not sure what this means beyond the fact that Mueller is going to exit stage left. Will Trump fire Mueller through some series of moves? Will Trump be outed as a criminal collusion conspirator and then Mueller departs because the case will be closed. Will misfortune befall Mr. Mueller. God forbid.

One thing is very apparent to this writer. Mueller is a huge threat to Donald Trump. Not to Trump’s illegitimate presidency, but to his financial empire. Trump probably could easily let go of The White House. I don’t think he likes the job much. Trump can not live without his wealth and family business Trump Organization. The Russia Investigation threatens Trump’s nest egg and his children’s financial inheritance. The Russia Investigation threatens Trump’s global brand!

I suspect Trump is going to break down and fire Mueller in the hope the Republican led Congress will essentially let him get away with it. Trump hopes he will survive firing Mueller. I seems to me Trump has not choice but to try it. If he leaves Mueller alone, He is going to lose everything. Losing everything is an extreme nightmare for Trump. Firing Mueller may get him impeached, but he hopes impeachment will be the worst consequence.

Stay tuned and pray to King Jesus without ceasing. Pray that America will return to Christ.


THE ORIGINAL! Trump Wants To Pardon All Traitors In The Trump Russia Collusion Scandal! That’s Big Of Him.

Pardon me, excuse me, pardon me says the cartoon character Bugs Bunny as he walk through seated patrons in a theater. Trump on the other hand, not yet up to the level of a cartoon character, asks his private counsel if he can pardon all the traitors in the Trump Russia Collusion Scandal including himself. Bugs Bunny would not ask such a question.

Trump realizes he is trapped and He knows it is just a matter of time before, not just America, but the world knows he criminally colluded with Putin’s Russia to get elected in 2016. He is looking for a soft landing for himself, his family and aides. Yet, there must be consequences for wrong doing or there will be no deterrent moving forward. Consequences are the way of Christ who is the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth. Though Trump looks for a parachute and tries to quietly exit stage left without consequences, the crime of the century will require penalties. If man does not judge Trump and his team properly, King Jesus will.

THE ORIGINAL! Trump Has A Near Break Down As Trump Russia Collusion Pressure Continues!

The Lord Jesus has been saying to me for several weeks now, “Break Down.”  I have therefore been living in expectation that another firing spree is coming to America as Trump fights to stay above the Russian collusion swamp’s water that continues to fill with his own sins and indiscretions.  Robert Mueller III is being eyed by Trump because Trump’s family financial sins are under scrutiny in The Trump Russian Collusion Probe.

The fact is Donald Trump is trapped and has no hiding place.  His sins are being investigated and leaked to the media.  His kingdom is falling and there is nothing he can do about it. Nothing!  King Jesus Christ has watched Trump for more than three decades.  Christ has seen all of Trump’s sins.  Christ set up Trump through Putin and his oligarchs who talked him into running for president.  Christ let the Russian interference campaign succeed so he could take Trump down for good.    Christ is exceedingly brilliant!  The end of Trump as president is near.  Death throws are upon us.  It’s hard to watch.  It is instructive for young people.  Don’t cheat in life.  It will eventually catch up to you because of King Jesus.