THE ORIGINAL! King Jesus Said He Is Lord Of ALL aka Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia!

THE ORIGINAL! King Jesus Said He Is Lord Of ALL aka Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia!







Published on Monday, December 28, 202

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Europa Nazis Waited Until May 2020 To Hit Black Africa!

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Europa Nazis Waited Until May 2020 To Hit Black Africa!




YouTube Video Link

Facebook Live Video Link

Published on May 15, 2020

“THE ORIGINAL! King Jesus Has Drawn The Line! He’s Stopping Global White Supremacy Genocidal Killings”

THE ORIGINAL! King Jesus Has Drawn The Line! He Is Stopping Global White Supremacy Genocidal Killings.


YouTube Video

Facebook Live Video

Excerpt of Video

Legal Marijuana may be sprayed with the lethal contaminate Agent Orange, which contains trace amounts of Dioxin (TCDD) a US EPA classified carcinogen. Agent Orange persists unchanged when bound to soil, leaves (marijuana) or grass.

Legal Marijuana may be sprayed with the lethal contaminate Agent Orange, which contains trace amounts of Dioxin (TCDD) a US EPA classified carcinogen. Agent Orange persists unchanged when bound to soil, leaves (marijuana) or grass.

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Legal Marijuana may be sprayed with the lethal contaminate Agent Orange, which contains trace amounts of Dioxin (TCDD) a US EPA classified carcinogen. Agent Orange persists unchanged when bound to soil, leaves (marijuana) or grass.

Legal Marijuana may be sprayed with the lethal contaminate Agent Orange, which contains trace amounts of Dioxin (TCDD) a US EPA classified carcinogen. Agent Orange persists unchanged when bound to soil, leaves (marijuana) or grass.

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Watch “THE ORIGINAL! The 600 Year Reign Of White Supremacy Has Been Bloody. It’s Fall Will Be Bloody Too!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! The Six Hundred Year Reign Of White Supremacy Has Been Bloody. It’s Fall Will Be Bloody Too Because Of Pride!

Beloved America, King Jesus has shown me over the years the extremely bloody nature of global White Supremacy. I suspect white supremacy as an ideology began during the European Renaissance and manifested when the Portugese and Spanish hit the high seas in the fifteenth century. At that time, Europe began to discover the people of the world were mainly black and brown. Europeans militarily subjugated indigenous peoples here and there and initiated genocidal operations against them. It is not that difficult to forgive six hundred year old sins, but sadly Europeans and their descendants are still engaged in genocidal operations today.

The Lord Jesus Christ has shown me America has a covert global genocidal eugenics program that is very active and very bloody. The United Nations is a key tool in the hands of the West, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Canada with respect to Global Genocide. Genocidal operations today include war, healthcare initiatives, vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, genome editing, humanitarian aid, food aid, wars on hunger, poverty, gender inequality, etc. The UN has spread communicable and noncommunicable diseases via The World Health Organization and through humanitarian assistance.

The Western Alliance and Warsaw Pact have played good cop bad cop with developing nations. The West backs Democratic capitalistic factions in developing nations while Warsaw backs Marxist Leninist Communists in the same country. The Europeans give arms to the opposing factions and stand back while civil war devastates their fledgling nation. Famine, refugees and pestilence may result from war. Then the UN steps in to “rescue” the survivors. A genocide trap.

Domestically, America has reached a point where the demographic shift is putting pressure on the established white supremacist order. The current demographic shift in America threatens the established order of things. The Republican Party has not been able to consistently elect a Republican President since George H W Bush. As a result, the good ole boys stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton. Hillary probably hasn’t recovered yet.

I believe Christ is showing me that the good ole boys desire to adjust the demographic in America in such a way as to ensure Republican Presidential candidates can be elected. This means about two million Democratic voters must be removed from the process on one way or the other.

I believe The Lord Jesus Christ is saying, domestic genocide is one way to solve the demographic problem. A timely civil war or socio political uprising that “forces” the Pentagon to push back could exterminate a number of Democrats (people of color). It would also result in the elimination of some Republican voters too. Disenfranchising a number of Democratic voters may be a short term solution for Republicans, but the social upheaval would be significant. Deporting undocumented people would not impact presidential elections until the children of immigrants come of age. Deporting American citizens would cause significant social chaos.

The Lord Jesus said civil war and riots are coming to America. He said the Pentagon and Trump want riots in America. Therefore riots are coming. The purpose of all the chaos is to firmly reestablish Republican (white male) dominance politically. Political dominance helps to ensure social and economic dominance. Therefore America’s domestic dilemma is rooted in the desire of corrupt white elites to maintain their historic dominance over the nation.

Since power never relinquishes power without a struggle, a struggle is upon us. Our government wants to fight, and no one can stop them from having their way except King Jesus. Much prayer and patience will be required in the coming years.

I recommend nonviolent resistance against the established order. Let people of color globally boycott the Beast aka white supremacy and social Darwinism with a high tech twist. Let us smear the Beast via integrous public relations. Let’s boycott Trump and family for disrespecting people of color. Let us boycott Robert and Rebecca Mercer who reportedly have made racist comments. Let’s boycott the Koch brothers and other racists for forming the New Nazi Party called the Tea Party or Freedom Caucus. Let’s smear powerful racists by boldly telling the truth about them publicly. Let’s boycott global racists as well.

King Jesus has a plan to save the outcasts of America. King Jesus will save those that fear Him and keep His commandments. Please be advised.

Stay tuned and continue to pray without ceasing to God The Father of King Jesus Christ for America to Return to Christ before it is everlasting too late. America’s cup of iniquity is full. The Lord Jesus Christ is pouring the contents of America’s cup of iniquity upon us double since December 2015. Pray for America.


Please watch the video below.

Christ’s Shares His Unlimited Wisdom With MEN & The SONS Of MAN.

Christ’s shares His Unlimited Wisdom With MEN and the SONS of MAN. Therefore Christ and His Heavenly Father have intentionally called MEN to lead His Church on earth. Don’t get mad at me!!!!


Please read the following Facebook post.

The Kingdom Of God Is In Power Or Dunamis!

1 Corinthians 4:18 KJV Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you.

19 But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

Watch “THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Inner Circle Met W/ Putin Administration @ URSA Insulation Company In Prague!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Inner Circle Met With Putin Administration At URSA Insulation Company In Prague!

Beloved, The Lord Jesus Christ said Trump campaign inner circle members, Michael Cohen, Ivanka Trump Kushner, Donald Trump Jr and Allen Weisselberg, former Chief Financial Officer of Trump Organization, met with Putin Administration Officials at URSA Insulation Company in the greater Prague, Czechoslovakia area.

The Russian Dossier prepared by former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele alleges Trump’s inner circle met with Putin Administration Officials to discuss how to make plausibly deniable cash payments to hackers led by Russian Intelligence Agencies and develop contingency plans to lie about the criminal conspiracy. Michael Cohen has repeatedly stated he has never been to Prague. Yet a foreign intelligence service reported that Cohen’s cell phone used cell phone towers in the Prague area to place a call. The call was placed about the time The Russian Dossier alleged Cohen was in Prague.

The Lord Jesus has revealed the meeting took place at URSA Insulation Company located in the greater Prague area. The next question is who did Cohen call when he was in Prague.

Collusion is not proven simply by the fact that Cohen, Ivanka, Donald Jr and Allen Weisselberg went To Prague in August or September 2016. Who knows who they met with and what they discussed. However, all the lying from Cohen and the other Trumpians suggests they are afraid of something related to the trip.

The Lord Jesus Christ said Trump colluded with the Russians in 2016 to get elected. Therefore, I believe the Prague meeting to be direct evidence of collusion.

Stay tuned and continue to pray without ceasing to God The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ for America to Return to Christ before it is everlasting to late.


Please watch the video below.

From CNN: Search intensifies in Alabama after 2 tornadoes hit back-to-back in one county, killing at least 23 people

Judgment Day rolls on! The Wrath of King Jesus strikes again like lightning because of the Separation of Church & State, Abortion on Demand, Sexual immorality & Witchcraft.

Search intensifies in Alabama after 2 tornadoes hit back-to-back in one county, killing at least 23 people