THE ORIGINAL! There Are 48 Nucleus Receptors That Allow Access For DNA Editing! Cr & Gr Receptors Allow Cognitive Impairment Or Ape-Like Intellect!

THE ORIGINAL! There Are 48 Nucleus Receptors That Allow Access For DNA Editing! Cr & Gr Receptors Allow Cognitive Impairment Or Ape-Like Intellect!

Brutha Steve

The End Times Prophet To The Nations

I Believe In The Lord Jesus Name

Therefore I Speak



Published On Wednesday, December 9, 2020

THE ORIGINAL! Beware Of DNA Editing Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals & The Coronavirus Test Kits!

THE ORIGINAL! Beware Of DNA Editing Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals & The Coronavirus Test Kits!

Brutha Steve The End Times Prophet To The Nations

I Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ

Therefore I Speak


Facebook Live…

Published on Tuesday, December 1, 2020

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Russian Jewish Nazis Deployed The Leukemia Gene To Michigan.

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Russian Jewish Nazis Deployed The Leukemia Gene To Michigan.

Steve The End Times Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher

I Believe In King Jesus Christ

Therefore I Speak

YouTube Video

Facebook Live Video

Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2020

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon Nazis Have Deployed Genome Mixing Weapon to Create Ape People In Africa!

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon Nazis Have Deployed Genome Mixing Weapon to Create Ape People In Africa!

Steve The End Times Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher

I Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ

Therefore I Speak

YouTube Video

Facebook Live…

Published Saturday, June 20, 2020.


THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Europa Nazis Waited Until May 2020 To Hit Black Africa!

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Europa Nazis Waited Until May 2020 To Hit Black Africa!




YouTube Video Link

Facebook Live Video Link

Published on May 15, 2020

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Nazis Are Back In Detroit Trying To Inhibit RNA Polymerase II (RNA Transcription) Says THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! Deadly. They will fail miserably because of Jesus Christ! They are in South Africa too, trying to do the same.

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon CIA Nazis Are Back In Detroit Trying To Inhibit RNA Polymerase II Says THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Steve The Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher

I Believe In Jesus Christ


Facebook Live

“The ORIGINAL” Lawry’s Seasoned Salt is Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering. It may harm your health!

“The ORIGINAL” Lawry’s Seasoned Salt is Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering. It may harm your health.

Mr. Steve

View the Facebook post below for further details and tell your family & friends.

Watch “THE ORIGINAL! Trump And The Pentagon’s Covert Global Genocidal Eugenics Program Has Been Exposed!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! Trump And The Pentagon’s Covert Global Genocidal Eugenics Program Has Been Exposed!

Beloved America, several weeks ago The Lord Jesus Christ revealed America’s 109 year old secret global eugenics program run by the Pentagon and it’s predecessor. The program began around 1910 and has continued unabated to this day. The program includes medical experiments conducted on human beings such as The Tuskegee Study and Henrietta Lacks and her unborn son’s cell lines. The war on cancer which was initiated by Richard Nixon in 1971 was a cover for eugenic research on how to use cancer as a genocidal tool. Nearly fifty years later, no cure for cancer has been found. My guess is the thrust of the research has been directed toward weaponizing cancer not curing the disease.

In 1972 the covert Tuskegee Study ended in shame via a timely leak to the press. My guess is American eugenists had learned everything possible about the effects of syphilis on the sperm and reproductive organs of the 400 African American men the Pentagon victimized.

One year later abortion on demand was legalized via the Supreme Court in 1973. In my view, abortion is Eugenic in at least three ways. First, about eighty percent of abortion clinics were placed in minority communities to reduce minority births. Second, abortion provided ample embryonic stem cells and other fetal tissues for eugenic research and development including cancer reseach. Third, some women have been intentionally or accidently sterilized during abortion procedures. Some have died on abortion tables.

The goal of America’s global eugenics program is population control and extermination of Disgenic groups of people worldwide. Disgenic groups of people are considered to be “ill born” souls whose survival is a threat to the rest of humanity. Disgenic people must be eliminated according to Eugenic theory for the well being of the “well born people.” Well born people are Anglo Saxon, Nordic, Germanic people based on the paradigm of White Supremacy. The program rests on a foundation of White Supremacy and social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the union of Darwinian evolution and Eugenic theory. The foundational pillars of America’s Secret global genocide program are belief systems that are not based on historical and spiritual truth. In other words, inborn inherent White Supremacy is a lie. Darwinism, Evolution and Eugenics are each lies as well.

Together white supremacy and social Darwinism have created a global paradigm resulting in the manifestation of the Fourth Beast of Daniel chapter seven and the first and second Beasts of Revelations chapter 13. The second coming of Christ will put down The Beast, The false prophet and The dragon called Satan. Therefore, we know how this ends. The end was prophesied by the Apostle John (Yochanon) or John The Revelator about 2,000 years ago. Also, Daniel, The Greatly Beloved, prophesied the end in chapter seven of his book.

America’s covert global genocidal eugenics program has several facets. America’s program includes genetic engineering and editing, vaccination programs which have quickly spread HIV/AIDS and Ebola, birth control, prenatal vitamins, pharmaceuticals, harmful food & drink additives and ingredients, food aid to starving populations, Merck’s Sigma Aldrich Chemical Company’s LOPAC nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (reduces the formation of the vital blood gas Nitric Oxide), civil war, mass incarceration, organized crime, drug cartels & the resultant street gangs, underdevelopment and grinding poverty, poor education systems, excessive unwanted immigration, etc.

About 88% of the world’s population is slated for extermination says The Lord Jesus Christ. That’s about seven billion people. You might think destroying seven billion people is a long term goal. Not anymore. The human genome project and gene therapy or manipulation is a massive game changer. My guess is it is now possible to destroy seven billion souls in about 100 years or more. One hundred years being the upper end of the life span of people today.

Healthcare initiatives and humanitarian assistance programs will be key programs to bring about global genocide of people of color. War, famine, pestilence and refugee generation will also kill many. The United Nations will be used to facilitate much of the global genocide.

Global genocide is not a recent development. It began in earnest when Europeans hit the high seas and discovered what everybody else already knew. The world is not flat.

What to do? Verify my assertions first. Then increase awareness of this existential threat to humanity. Then minimize your personal exposure to Eugenic devices where possible. Finally, look up to King Jesus. Pray for global deliverance for humanity from the Beast. Do whatever Christ tells you to do to save lives. Go tell it on the mountatians of the earth. Cry aloud and spare not. Commit your life to Christ and serve Him with all your might. Then, relax and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

Stay tuned.


Please watch the video below.

Watch “THE ORIGINAL! Trump And The Pentagon’s Covert Global Genocidal Eugenics Program Has Been Exposed!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! Trump And The Pentagon’s Covert Global Genocidal Eugenics Program Has Been Exposed!

Beloved America, several weeks ago The Lord Jesus Christ revealed America’s 109 year old secret global eugenics program run by the Pentagon and it’s predecessor. The program began around 1910 and has continued unabated to this day. The program includes medical experiments conducted on human beings such as The Tuskegee Study and Henrietta Lacks and her unborn son’s cell lines. The war on cancer which was initiated by Richard Nixon in 1971 was a cover for eugenic research on how to use cancer as a genocidal tool. Nearly fifty years later, no cure for cancer has been found. My guess is the thrust of the research has been directed toward weaponizing cancer not curing the disease.

In 1972 the covert Tuskegee Study ended in shame via a timely leak to the press. My guess is American eugenists had learned everything possible about the effects of syphilis on the sperm and reproductive organs of the 400 African American men the Pentagon victimized.

One year later abortion on demand was legalized via the Supreme Court in 1973. In my view, abortion is Eugenic in at least three ways. First, about eighty percent of abortion clinics were placed in minority communities to reduce minority births. Second, abortion provided ample embryonic stem cells and other fetal tissues for eugenic research and development including cancer reseach. Third, some women have been intentionally or accidently sterilized during abortion procedures. Some have died on abortion tables.

The goal of America’s global eugenics program is population control and extermination of Disgenic groups of people worldwide. Disgenic groups of people are considered to be “ill born” souls whose survival is a threat to the rest of humanity. Disgenic people must be eliminated according to Eugenic theory for the well being of the “well born people.” Well born people are Anglo Saxon, Nordic, Germanic people based on the paradigm of White Supremacy. The program rests on a foundation of White Supremacy and social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the union of Darwinian evolution and Eugenic theory. The foundational pillars of America’s Secret global genocide program are belief systems that are not based on historical and spiritual truth. In other words, inborn inherent White Supremacy is a lie. Darwinism, Evolution and Eugenics are each lies as well.

Together white supremacy and social Darwinism have created a global paradigm resulting in the manifestation of the Fourth Beast of Daniel chapter seven and the first and second Beasts of Revelations chapter 13. The second coming of Christ will put down The Beast, The false prophet and The dragon called Satan. Therefore, we know how this ends. The end was prophesied by the Apostle John (Yochanon) or John The Revelator about 2,000 years ago. Also, Daniel, The Greatly Beloved, prophesied the end in chapter seven of his book.

America’s covert global genocidal eugenics program has several facets. America’s program includes genetic engineering and editing, vaccination programs which have quickly spread HIV/AIDS and Ebola, birth control, prenatal vitamins, pharmaceuticals, harmful food & drink additives and ingredients, food aid to starving populations, Merck’s Sigma Aldrich Chemical Company’s LOPAC nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (reduces the formation of the vital blood gas Nitric Oxide), civil war, mass incarceration, organized crime, drug cartels & the resultant street gangs, underdevelopment and grinding poverty, poor education systems, excessive unwanted immigration, etc.

About 88% of the world’s population is slated for extermination says The Lord Jesus Christ. That’s about seven billion people. You might think destroying seven billion people is a long term goal. Not anymore. The human genome project and gene therapy or manipulation is a massive game changer. My guess is it is now possible to destroy seven billion souls in about 100 years or more. One hundred years being the upper end of the life span of people today.

Healthcare initiatives and humanitarian assistance programs will be key programs to bring about global genocide of people of color. War, famine, pestilence and refugee generation will also kill many. The United Nations will be used to facilitate much of the global genocide.

Global genocide is not a recent development. It began in earnest when Europeans hit the high seas and discovered what everybody else already knew. The world is not flat.

What to do? Verify my assertions first. Then increase awareness of this existential threat to humanity. Then minimize your personal exposure to Eugenic devices where possible. Finally, look up to King Jesus. Pray for global deliverance for humanity from the Beast. Do whatever Christ tells you to do to save lives. Go tell it on the mountatians of the earth. Cry aloud and spare not. Commit your life to Christ and serve Him with all your might. Then, relax and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

Stay tuned.


Please watch the video below.