THE ORIGINAL! Civil War In America Is Coming This Summer/Fall. America Is Falling.

THE ORIGINAL! Civil War In America Is Coming This Summer/Fall. America Is Falling.

Steve The Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher

I Believe In Jesus Christ

Therefore I Speak

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Published on May 24, 2020

THE ORIGINAL! Trump, Russia & The CIA Are Antsy Says The LORD Jesus Christ!

THE ORIGINAL! Trump, Russia & The CIA Are Antsy Says The LORD Jesus Christ!



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Watch “THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon Nazis Have Deployed Antibiotic Resistant Yersinia Pestis/Black Death!” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! Trump’s Pentagon Nazis Have Deployed Antibiotic Resistant Yersinia Pestis Or The Black Death!


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Watch “THE ORIGINAL! The Pentagon Plans To Reelect Heir Trumpf. We Will See What King Jesus Says.” on YouTube

THE ORIGINAL! The Pentagon Plans To Reelect Heir Trumpf. We Will See What King Jesus Says.

Beloved America, today I realized concretely that The Pentagon intends for Trump to win the 2020 election by any means necessary. Trump has been fraudulently cleared of collusion and will be fraudulently cleared of obstruction of justice soon. The fix is in. Apparently, The Russian Collusion Scandal delayed certain Pentagon objectives during Trumpf’s first term. My guess is, the good ole boys at The Pentagon would like to extend a do over to heir Trumpf.

Trumpf and Congress have given The Pentagon about $1.433 trillion of hard earned American tax payer money in 2018 and 2019, collectively. The Lord Jesus Christ said Military Contractors have been fighting over our money. There can be no doubt The Pentagon would like to keep the gravy train rolling.

In addition, The Pentagon would like Republicans to regain control of the House of Representatives and maintain control of the Senate. In this way heir Trumpf would get a complete do over.

The problem The Pentagon may have is a total loss of integrity as far as our constitutional Democracy is concerned. The American people are not stupid. We all know Trumpf colluded with Russia. It has become painfully clear to many that The Pentagon and the US Intelligence Community also colluded with Russia. Therefore all manipulations of the federal government designed to help Trumpf get reelected will be transparent to most Americans. The state run media can only do so much to deceive voters. Some voters are experienced when it comes to the corruption emanating from Washington and The Medial. Most people can see through the deception.

Nevertheless, The Pentagon wants Trumpf to instigate a Civil War, more chaos and riots in America for the purpose of ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing would reestablish white political supremacy in America to go along with white economic supremacy.

The Pentagon has an insurmountable problem though. His name is Jesus or Yeshua Ha Maschiyach Ben Yah. King Jesus is tired of all the genocide coming from The Pentagon. He is cutting it off sooner than later.

Yet the seven members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are luciferian antichrists who are 33rd degree freemasons. They don’t believe in or fear Christ. As a result, their fate is sealed.

Stay tuned and continue to pray without ceasing to God The Father of King Jesus Christ for America to Return to Christ before it is everlasting too late.


Please watch the video below.