Did Erik Prince Follow Up On Jared Kushner’s Plan To Obtain A Covert Communication Channel Between Trump & Putin?

Erik Prince apparently followed up on the request by Jared Kushner of Sergey Kislyak, former Russian Ambassador to the US, to set up a covert communication channel with Russia so the CIA could not intercept Trump’s treasonous communiques with Putin. Prince may also have finalized plans to pay Trump and associates for lifting Russian sanctions. Prince met in Seychelles with Kirill Dimitriev a billionaire who manages the Russian Direct Investment Fund worth $10 billion. This may also be a means where Russia provided active support for the Republican National Committee.


Will the House Intelligence Committee Get the Truth From Erik Prince?


THE ORIGINAL! Is The Russian Direct Investment Fund Providing Active Support For Trump & The Republican Party?

Maybe. A reasonable person would assume Trump wanted something in return for lifting sanctions off Russia. We know Trump loves money. We know Jared Kushner wanted a secret back channel to Russia to talk business without CIA intercept. We know the Russian Direct Investment Fund is state controlled and connected to VEB bank headed by Sergey Gorkov. We know Kushner met with Gorkov on December 13, 2016 to talk about it. We know VEB is a sanctioned Russian bank. We know Gorkov reportedly flew directly to Japan to meet with Putin after his meeting with Kushner. We know Putin wanted Trump to win and spared no cost to make it happen. We know Paul Manafort took notes at the Trump Jr meeting with Russian agents. We know one of Manafort’s cryptic notes suggested there is active support for the RNC from Russia. We know something is going on and something is not right! Lol.

Stay tuned and continue to pray without ceasing to King Jesus. ask Christ to cause America to Return to Him before it’s everlasting too late.
